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Stephen S.

I have tried so many different programs. Came Across Kenneth on his You tube and watched a ton of his content. Found this site and signed up for his 1 on 1 program. Within 3 months i closed my first deal and made $45,789

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Liz S.

I have closed a few deals during my time of wholesaling. I could not figure out how to get consistent deals though. Singed up with Kenneth on his website and i have closed almost 13 deals since then.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Johnny B.

Wholesaling is much easier now that i have an actual process i can follow.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Michael A.

Ken is the real deal! Give him a call and just talk to him. He’s great!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wholesaling Real Estate Is Easy

Wholesaling real estate is easy with the right systems! 90% of wholesalers who start in this business fail. The reason for this is that they do not learn the steps to actually be successful.

Learn How To Wholesale The Right Way

One on one training for wholesaling houses. It consists of an initial training session. This training session lasts about 3 hours.

During the training, you will learn everything needed to start your business successfully. Here is the structure of the training.

  • The Foundation: Learn what the foundation to wholesaling is and the most important things you need to do FIRST.
  • Building Your Buyers List: Learn why building a buyers list is important and how to build a massive buyers list full of hungry investors needing deals. You will learn the strategies the gurus are not teaching!
  • Finding A Title Company: A very important step to wholesaling is having a title company that knows its stuff! Finding one is not always easy! In the training, you will learn how to find a title company that knows what you need!
  • How To Pick The Best Market: Wholesaling houses and land requires you to know where and how to find the best areas to market in. In the training learn the strategy Kenneth uses to pick his markets
  • How to find off-market deals: You will learn how to find the best off-market deals that buyers actually want to buy. This is something that most wholesalers get wrong. Knowing how to find the best deals is crucial!
  • Contracting Your Deals: Knowing how to fill out contracts is important. You will learn how to fill out a purchase and sales agreement along with an assignment contract.
  • Pricing Your Deals. Knowing what kind of offers to make and what to sell your deals for is crucial. You will learn how to do exactly this!

Wholesaling is an amazing way to make money and I want to help you!

Step 1

Join The Program

Step 2

Schedule Your Training

Step 3

Start Your Business

Step 4

Start Closing Deals

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